Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Great Night

About 6 years ago I was working on a Young Life Camp called Saranac. It is absolutely one of the most beautiful places on the planet. It sits on Lake Saranac in the mountains of New York. I spent a month there learning about life what it means to serve God with everything you have.

While on Summer Staff, I met a guy named P.W. Gopal. At the time, P.W. was a tennis pro and personal trainer who had recently decided to give up his career to become a singer and song writer. I of course, immediately idolized him because he was about to embark on an adventure that I have only dreamt about, but there is something much deeper to P.W. He's the kind of guy that changes you after you meet him. We bonded during the month we spent together, and we have stayed friends over the years. There was time where we didn't talk that much, but he was never far from my mind as I would listen to his CD regularly.

A few months ago, P.W. came to pittsburgh and stayed with Courtney and me and played a couple of songs at an All Area Young Life Club. It was great to hear P.W. sing and play live once again and after that night we decided to try and put on a concert. After a few months of planning, we had about 70 people, mostly Young Life Kids, show up at Riverside Community Church at the Pittsburgh Mills Mall.

It was a great night! P.W. played and sang for about an hour and a half, but more than that he shared his thoughts and beliefs about Jesus Christ. It was awesome to hear a man use his talents as a ministry. P.W. has affected so many people with his music and ministry and he has helped a ton of high school kids find Christ. I hope that some day somebody will say that I had that kind of affect on their lives.

Below is a video of P.W. performing "Flicker." To warn you, the video is about 10 minutes long but it includes P.W. talking about his life before the song. If you have 7 minutes to spare, I hope you take a chance to watch the video. Hopefully, P.W.'s words about life and Jesus will change your day.

P.W. Gopal - Flicker from Courtney Bowden on Vimeo.

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